IFSTA Validation Committees

Written for Firefighters, by Firefighters

It’s the way IFSTA manuals have been written and validated since 1934. The process to produce new and revised IFSTA manuals is a collaborative effort between the staff members at FPP and IFSTA subject matter experts who are assigned to the validation committee for a particular manual. IFSTA validations committee members are a diverse group of subject matter experts from all areas of the fire and emergency services community who volunteer to review draft chapters for new and revised IFSTA manuals.

Committee members also provide assistance in obtaining research materials, photographs, and other information needed to produce a finished manual. Members are sent draft chapters of the manual they are assigned to and submit comments on the drafts to the FPP staff members assigned to the project. All comments are reviewed by the entire committee and discussed in committee meetings. Committees complete their work in an 18 to 36-month time frame including regular electronic meetings and two to four in-person meetings held in Oklahoma.

Participating in the IFSTA validation process is a personally and professionally rewarding experience. We hope that you will give strong consideration to helping us continue the tradition of firefighters writing manuals for firefighters!

Applications to join the Validation Committees are now closed!

Applications to apply in 2024 is now closed. Check back later this year to apply for 2025!

    Upcoming Committee(s)

    No upcoming committees at this time. Check back soon!

    IFSTA Committee Member Responsibilities

    Persons who accept the invitation to participate on an IFSTA validation committee will be expected to provide technical advice on the content of the manual and technical review of the materials written by FPP staff members. Prior to the committee’s first meeting, members will be sent information on the scope of the work to be performed and a suggested outline for the manual. At the first meeting, the committee will finalize the manual’s outline and may begin reviewing draft chapters. One to two draft chapters are typically sent to committee members per month. Members should expect to spend two to five hours reviewing each chapter. Members must reply with their comments in writing within three to four weeks of reviewing each chapter. Continued participation in the process is contingent on meeting assigned deadlines.

    FPP staff members compile all comments received for each chapter. The comments are reviewed and actioned upon by the committee as a whole at future committee meetings. These meetings typically range from one to three days. When all the issues in a given chapter are settled, that chapter is considered finished. The process is continued until all chapters in the manual have been addressed. At that time the committee is dismissed and FPP staff members complete the publishing of the manual.

    Note: Meetings held in conjunction with the IFSTA Validation Conference in July are attended at the committee member’s own expense. Committee members may be reimbursed by FPP for transportation and lodging expenses for the IFSTA Winter Meetings in January.

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