Fire & Life Safety

FPP Research Department Logo



In recent years, FPP has also become a major hub in the University’s research mission, as well. Under the direction of FPP Assistant Director Nancy Trench, FPP established a Research Department and has received millions of dollars in funding to research and find solutions to the most pressing fire and life safety problems. This includes research in public fire education, firefighter safety, educational methods, and leadership and management issues. These projects are used for the benefit of the fire service community, as well as, focusing on the needs of the public.

Working to save lives and property is a core mission of Fire Protection Publications. IFSTA and FPP training materials use the latest research results from these projects in their products. Also, results of these funded research projects are in turn shared with the public at no charge. Included in this section is information on these projects and their related outcomes.


Public Fire & Life Safety Research

Fire and life safety projects for the public, with emphasis on people who are at greatest risk for fire and burn injuries and deaths in the United States:


Firefighter and Emergency Responder Occupational Safety and Health Research

FPP projects focusing on firefighter and emergency responder occupational safety and health and alternatives for fire department funding:

Firefighter Safety:

Fire Department Funding Alternatives:



For more information contact:

FPP Research Department
(800) 654-4055




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