Hazardous Materials Product Collection

A collection of resources for what you need to know on a HazMat scene. Hazardous Materials for First Responders covers what you need to do to take appropriate initial actions at weapons of mass destructions incidents and hazardous materials spills or releases. Hazardous Materials for Technician is designed to prepare emergency responders to conduct advanced, technical, offensive operations at hazardous materials incidents. All knowledge and skills technicians must know, from incident analysis to termination, are covered in depth. This includes hazmat chemistry; container identification, construction features and leak points; as well as product control and decontamination operations.

Hazardous Materials for First Responders, 6th Edition

Hazardous Materials for First Responders, 6th Edition, will prepare first responders to take appropriate initial actions at hazardous materials spills or releases and weapons of mass destruction incidents. This edition provides fire and emergency services personnel with the information necessary to meet the job performance requirements (JPRs) of NFPA 470, Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Standard for Responders, 2022 Edition. This edition features a refined layout and chapter content reorganization by professional qualifications. Key Term definitions no longer appear in chapter margins but can be found in alphabetical order at the end of each chapter.

Price: $93.00

Product Type: Manual

Media Type: Print

ISBN: 978-0-87939-757-9

IFSTA Item #:36701

eBook Hazardous Materials for First Responders, 6th Edition

This product is the eBook version of the print textbook: Hazardous Materials for First Responders, 6th Edition.

Prepare to respond to hazardous materials and weapons of mass destruction incidents. This edition provides first responders with the information they need to take appropriate initial actions at WMD incidents and hazardous materials spills or releases. This edition is limited to giving detailed information about initial and primarily defensive operations.

Price: $79.05

Product Type: Manual

Media Type: Online

ISBN: 978-0-87939-761-6

IFSTA Item #: 75197

R1 for Individuals - Hazardous Materials for First Responders 6 - Exam Prep

This product is a study tool and completion does not provide the user with a certificate or documentation of materials learned.

This popular student product includes 729 questions divided among all 16 chapters of Hazardous Materials for First Responders, 6th Edition. Exam Prep is designed to be used as a self-study tool for students to prepare for comprehensive end of course tests and the written portion of a certification exam. Access this IFSTA-validated material through ResourceOne anytime you need it. The Exam Prep content is arranged by chapter. All items are multiple choice so the student practices the way they will be tested, instilling confidence and reducing test anxiety. Track your progress and review challenging material.

Price: $13.99

Product Type: Exam Prep/Study Guide

Media Type: Digital

IFSTA Item #: 90331

Hazardous Materials for First Responders, 6th Edition Exam Prep Print

Exam Prep is a self-study tool for students to prepare for end of course tests and the written portion of a certification exam. This popular student product includes 729 questions divided among all 16 chapters of Hazardous Materials for First Responders, 6th Edition. Each question is page referenced so the user can quickly find the topic in Hazardous Materials for First Responders, 6th Edition. All items are multiple choice so the student practices the way they will be tested, instilling confidence and reducing test anxiety. The answers for each question are in the back of the Exam Prep Print.

Price: $31.00

Product Type: Exam Prep/Study Guide

Media Type: Print

ISBN: 978-0-87939-758-6

IFSTA Item #: 36702

Hazardous Materials for First Responders, 6th Edition Course Workbook

Hazardous Materials for First Responders, 6th Edition Workbook is temporarily out of stock. Click Here to sign up and be the first to know when it's back!

The Workbook is for the student to review the material in each chapter, to support classroom and online instruction. It is ideal for homework assignments. The Workbook includes more than 900 questions and activities covering all 16 chapters of Hazardous Materials for First Responders, 6th Edition.

Price: $35.00

Product Type: Exam Prep/Study Guide

Media Type: Print

ISBN: 978-87939-802-6

IFSTA Item #: 36706

Hazardous Materials for First Responders, 6th Edition Manual and Exam Prep Print

Save up to 10% when you purchase the package.

Price: $111.60

Product Type: Package

Media Type: Print

IFSTA Item #: 36704

Hazardous Materials for First Responders, 6th Edition Manual and Course Workbook

Save up to 10% when you purchase the package.

Hazardous Materials for First Responders, 6th Edition Workbook is temporarily out of stock. Click Here to sign up and be the first to know when it's back!

Price: $115.20

Product Type: Package

Media Type: Print

ISBN: 978-0-87939-817-0

IFSTA Item #: 36705

Hazardous Materials Technician, 3rd Edition

IFSTA’s Hazardous Materials Technician, 3rd Edition, prepares emergency responders conducting technical, advanced, offensive operations during hazardous material incidents the ability to meet the Technician level certification requirements of NFPA 470, Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Standard for Responders, 2022 Edition. This manual adds to the techniques and principles learned in IFSTA’s Hazardous Materials for First Responders, 6th Edition.

Price: $95.00

Product Type: Manual

Media Type: Print

ISBN: 978-0-87939-752-4

IFSTA Item #: 35028

eBook Hazardous Materials Technician, 3rd Edition

This product is the eBook version of the print textbook: Hazardous Materials Technician, 3rd Edition.

IFSTA’s Hazardous Materials Technician, 3rd Edition, prepares emergency responders conducting technical, advanced, offensive operations during hazardous material incidents the ability to meet the Technician level certification requirements of NFPA 470, Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Standard for Responders, 2022 Edition. This manual adds to the techniques and principles learned in IFSTA’s Hazardous Materials for First Responders, 6th Edition. 

Price: $80.75

Product Type: Manual

Media Type: Electronic

ISBN: 978-0-87939-753-1

IFSTA Item #: 75229

R1 for Individuals - Hazardous Materials Technician 3 - Exam Prep

This product is a study tool and completion does not provide the user with a certificate or documentation of materials learned.

This popular student product includes 595 questions divided among all 13 chapters of Hazardous Materials Technician, 3rd Edition. Exam Prep is designed to be used as a self-study tool for students to prepare for comprehensive end of course tests and the written portion of a certification exam. Access this IFSTA-validated material through ResourceOne anytime you need it. The Exam Prep content is arranged by chapter. All items are multiple choice so the student practices the way they will be tested, instilling confidence and reducing test anxiety. Track your progress and review challenging material.

Price: $13.99

Product Type: Manual

Media Type: Digital

IFSTA Item #: 90318

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