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Dennis Compton Given Emeritus Status

STILLWATER, Okla. – Dennis Compton, retired fire chief and former International Fire Service Training Association Executive Board chairman, was approved for emeritus status by the IFSTA Executive Board during the 90th IFSTA Summer Validation Conference, July 8, 2023.

Nancy Trench Given Emeritus Status

STILLWATER, Okla. – Nancy Trench, retired Fire Protection Publications assistant director, was approved for emeritus status by the IFSTA Executive Board during the 90th IFSTA Summer Validation Conference, July 8, 2023.

Karla Klas Receives 2024 Dr. Anne W. Phillips Award

We are pleased to announce the 2024 recipient of the Congressional Fire Services Institute and International Fire Safety Training Association's Dr. Anne W. Phillips Award for Leadership in Fire Safety Education.

Four IFSTA Executive Board Members Reelected To The Board

Four IFSTA Executive Board members were reelected on July 8, 2023, at the 90th Anniversary IFSTA Summer Validation Conference and will serve an additional three-year term.

15-Year Attendance Award

Josh Stefancic, Safety Harbor, Florida, received his 15-year attendance award during the 2023 IFSTA Summer Validation Conference July 8, 2023, in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

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