IFSTA's Essentials of Fire Fighting, 8th Edition, ResourceOneⓇ, has received a course redesign to improve the student experience as well as include additional content such as key terms, chapter discussion questions, and chapter review questions. Beginning with Essentials of Fire Fighting, 8th Edition, courses include more on-screen instructions as well as course completion settings built-in to improve both instructors' and students' course tracking and activity completion, and will be paired with a full suite of instructor and student materials including the interactive course and exam prep.
View a demo of the Essentials of Fire Fighting, 8th Edition, course design here: Essentials 8th Demo Course

App - Essentials of Fire Fighting 8
The Essentials of Fire Fighting, 8th Edition, Manual provides entry-level firefighter candidates with the information necessary to meet the job performance requirements (JPRs) in Chapter 6, Firefighter I and Chapter 7, Firefighter II of NFPA 1010, Standard on Professional Qualifications for Firefighters, 2024 Edition. This IFSTA App builds on IFSTA’s legacy of equipping firefighters with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in an ever-changing profession, and supports the content provided in our Essentials of Fire Fighting, 8th Edition, Manual. The App is available for both iOS and Android devices. Included FREE in this IFSTA App are skills videos, review with flashcards, practice tool and equipment identification, and a sample of the exam prep and audiobook.
Review all 605 key terms and definitions found in all 23 chapters of the Essentials of Fire Fighting, 8th Edition, Manual with Flashcards. Study selected chapters or combine the deck together. This feature is FREE for all users.
Exam Prep:
Use the 1,271 IFSTA-validated Exam Prep questions to confirm your understanding of the content in the Essentials of Fire Fighting, 8th Edition, Manual. The Exam Prep covers all 23 chapters of the Manual. Exam Prep tracks and records your progress, allowing you to review your exams and study your weaknesses. In addition, your missed questions are automatically added to your study deck. This feature requires a $19.99 in-app purchase. All users have free access to Firefighter I: Chapter 1.
Purchase the Essentials of Fire Fighting, 8th Edition, Audiobook through the IFSTA App for $29.99 All 23 chapters are narrated in their entirety for 18 hours of content. Features include offline access, bookmarks, and the ability to listen at your own speed. All users have free access to Chapter 1 of Firefighter I.