STILLWATER, Okla. – Mark S. Pare, the Rhode Island Fire Academy director, received his IFSTA emeritus award during the 2023 IFSTAⓇ Summer Validation Conference, July 8, 2023.
Pare received his 25-years-of-attendance plaque from IFSTAⓇ in 2022. In 1997, Pare served on his first IFSTAⓇ committee: Pumping Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook, 1st Edition.
“To this day, I have remained friends with members of that committee,” Pare said. “The experience of being a member of this ‘family’ has given me lifelong friendships, national contacts, and the satisfaction that I have been a part of making the fire service safer.”
Pare served on the committees in charge of validating IFSTAⓇ manuals such as Fire and Emergency Services Instructor, 10th Edition; Pumping and Aerial Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook, 4th Edition; Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 6th Edition; Fire and Emergency Services Orientation and Terminology, 6th Edition; and Chief Officer, 3rd Edition. Pare strives to remain active within IFSTAⓇ even as he steps down from his leadership roles.
Emeritus status may be bestowed upon a person who either has at least 20 years of service as an IFSTAⓇ delegate and is no longer active in their fire service or related career or upon a person who has been designated by the IFSTAⓇ Executive Board. These individuals retain the highest title held in their IFSTAⓇ participation.
WRITTEN BY: Sarah Palmer | FPPⓇ Marketing Specialist
The International Fire Service Training Association is an organization of fire service personnel who are dedicated to upgrading firefighting techniques and safety through training. Since 1934, IFSTAⓇ has been the worldwide leader of the fire service in developing fire and emergency responder training materials. IFSTAⓇ produces training manuals, eBooks, curriculum, test prep, workbooks, skill sheets, interactive courses, instructor resources and more. For IFSTA-FPPⓇ media inquiries, contact Marketing Specialist Sarah Palmer at marketing@ifsta.org or call 800-654-4055.