Press Release - July 18, 2017
The Research Symposium Legacy Award is presented to an individual who has made a significant impact on the International Fire Service Journal of Leadership and Management (IFSJLM) and/or the Annual Research Symposium.
This year, two people received the award in recognition of their unique contributions to the success of the Journal and the Research Symposium. Ms. Glenda Bentley and Dr. Tony Brown each received a Legacy Award at Research Symposium 17 on July 8, 2017 in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Ms. Bentley served as the travel and event staff for the IFSJLM Annual Research Symposium since the first Symposium in 2004. She made all the arrangements for the event each year, including registration, meeting space, lunch, refreshments and travel. Her dedication to the event, her attention to detail, and her expertise were significant to the success of each Symposium. The Legacy Award recognizes her contributions and says, thank you, in a meaningful way as she retires at the conclusion of the events associated with Research Symposium 17.
The IFSJLM founding editor, Dr. Robert England, spoke about Glenda’s contributions, “her work ‘behind the scenes’ insured the event always had problem free presentation space, a delicious lunch and presenters spoke to a friendly voice on the phone as they made arrangements to attend. I appreciate her never failing positive attitude and I will miss her as we begin to prepare for 2018.”
Dr. Brown served in a leadership role for more than 15 years in the Oklahoma State University Political Science Department’s Master of Science and Doctoral programs in Fire and Emergency Management Administration. In that role, his commitment to the programs saw them grow to be prominent graduate degree programs at OSU, with their enrollment exceeding all other graduate programs on campus. These programs provide research activities that promote the growth of the academic literature associated with fire service leadership and management. Many OSU students have been successful in having their work reviewed and published by the Journal. Dr. Brown currently is an Emeriti Faculty member at Oklahoma State University where he retired on January 4, 2016, after 35 years of service.
IFSJLM Editorial Board Member, Mike Wieder said, “Dr. Brown was always working in the academic environment insuring the fire and emergency management administration graduate programs were institutionalized, growing and meeting all markers of success within OSU. He was an advocate for the programs, a faculty member guiding students towards success and he seized the opportunities international outreach provided to the program. This grounding of the graduate programs provides a base for submission of articles for the Journal and the Journal is a resource for current and future graduate students.”
The Research Symposium 2018 will be held Saturday, July 14, 2018. For more information about past or future Research Symposia, please contact Dr. Robert E. England, Founding Editor, International Fire Service Journal of Leadership and Management at You may also view the Journal website here.
The IFSJLM, the Research Symposium and the IFSTA Validation Conference are sponsored by Fire Protection Publications (FPP), the world’s leading publisher of fire-related training and educational materials located at Oklahoma State University.
Contact for this Press Release: Nancy Trench -