TIMS is a research project to develop technical guidance including training systems and programs for the fire and emergency services in traffic incident management systems for enhanced compliance with the US DOT Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).
The report provides information on safe and effective management of emergency incidents that occur on roadways. These include fires, collisions, hazardous materials incidents, and other incidents that expose emergency responders to the hazards of working on active roadways. The report provides historical data on this issue, case studies of previous incidents, safety equipment information, and incident management strategies. The report was produced by IFSTA/Fire Protection Publications in 2012 as a result of a cooperative agreement with the United States Fire Administration and was primarily funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Authority.
This report may be downloaded free of charge at: http://www.usfa.fema.gov/downloads/pdf/publications/fa_330.pdf