Fire and Emergency Services Instructor, 9th Edition

State-of-the-Art Instructor Textbook and Curriculum
A safe and effective fire service must have capable instructors delivering effective training. The Fire and Emergency Services Instructor, 9th Edition, is THE IFSTA source for instructor training.
This text includes all NFPA 1041, Standard for Fire Service Instructor Professional Qualifications, (2019) Levels I, II, and III JPRs.
- Level I - Chapters 1-10
- Level II - Chapters 11-15
- Level III - Chapters 16-18
- Appendix A - Correlation to NFPA 1041 JPRs
NFPA 1021, Standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualifications requires Instructor Level I certification as a prerequisite for Fire Officer Level I. This NEW IFSTA Instructor text is ideal for these Level I learners.
Forty-three skill sheets across Instructor Levels I, II and III assist the instructor and the student to prepare for skills evaluations. The Instructor 9 Curriculum includes a NEW feature: an Instructor Tool Kit.
Review Boxes are added in this NEW edition to review previous content and highlight prerequisite knowledge for the advancing instructor candidate. For example, Instructor II contains Review Boxes for Level I Instructor content, while Instructor III contains Review Boxes for both Levels I and II.
The manual replicates the terms and vocabulary from the new edition of NFPA 1041. Chapter review and discussion questions are included at the end of each chapter helping students focus on mastering key information.
The IFSTA one column format means more photos, more illustrations, and more tables. More visuals enhance the student learning experience.
The book includes:
- Characteristics of effective instructors and adult learners
- Principals of learning and instructional planning
- The learning environment, classroom instruction and student interaction
- References NFPA 1403, Standard on Live Fire Training Evolutions to teach live-fire training at acquired structures, purpose-built structures and exterior/wildland fire training
- Testing, evaluation and test item construction
- Lesson plan development includes 11 skill sheets
- Instructor and class evaluation
- Four-step development model:
- identifying training needs
- designing a program or curriculum
- implementing the curriculum
- evaluating the curriculum
- Training program evaluation and administration
- Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
- ISBN: 978-0-87939-696-1
- Edition: Ninth
- Year: 2018
- Pages: 433
- IFSTA Item Number: 36342
Chapter List
State-of-the-Art Instructor Textbook and Curriculum
A safe and effective fire service must have capable instructors delivering effective training. The Fire and Emergency Services Instructor, 9th Edition, is THE IFSTA source for instructor training.
This text includes all NFPA 1041, Standard for Fire Service Instructor Professional Qualifications, (2019) Levels I, II, and III JPRs.
- Level I - Chapters 1-10
- Level II - Chapters 11-15
- Level III - Chapters 16-18
- Appendix A - Correlation to NFPA 1041 JPRs
NFPA 1021, Standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualifications requires Instructor Level I certification as a prerequisite for Fire Officer Level I. This NEW IFSTA Instructor text is ideal for these Level I learners.
Forty-three skill sheets across Instructor Levels I, II and III assist the instructor and the student to prepare for skills evaluations. The Instructor 9 Curriculum includes a NEW feature: an Instructor Tool Kit.
Review Boxes are added in this NEW edition to review previous content and highlight prerequisite knowledge for the advancing instructor candidate. For example, Instructor II contains Review Boxes for Level I Instructor content, while Instructor III contains Review Boxes for both Levels I and II.
The manual replicates the terms and vocabulary from the new edition of NFPA 1041. Chapter review and discussion questions are included at the end of each chapter helping students focus on mastering key information.
The IFSTA one column format means more photos, more illustrations, and more tables. More visuals enhance the student learning experience.
The book includes:
- Characteristics of effective instructors and adult learners
- Principals of learning and instructional planning
- The learning environment, classroom instruction and student interaction
- References NFPA 1403, Standard on Live Fire Training Evolutions to teach live-fire training at acquired structures, purpose-built structures and exterior/wildland fire training
- Testing, evaluation and test item construction
- Lesson plan development includes 11 skill sheets
- Instructor and class evaluation
- Four-step development model:
- identifying training needs
- designing a program or curriculum
- implementing the curriculum
- evaluating the curriculum
- Training program evaluation and administration
- Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
- ISBN: 978-0-87939-696-1
- Edition: Ninth
- Year: 2018
- Pages: 433
- IFSTA Item Number: 36342