STILLWATER, Okla. – The International Fire Service Training Association hosted their 90th Validation Conference July 8-11, 2023, in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
IFSTAⓇ brings fire service members from across the globe together twice a year – January and July – to examine and critique all-encompassing manuals that provide information for firefighters to perform their job effectively and safely, said Mary Cameli, IFSTAⓇ Executive Board chair and Mesa Fire and Medical Department fire chief.
“Once completed, they have an amazing product that is sold across the United States and beyond,” Cameli said. “Giving firefighters the tools they need to do the very best they can in this dangerous profession.”
Mike Wieder, IFSTAⓇ executive director and Fire Protection Publications associate director said throughout the years the manner in which the manuals are validated has evolved significantly. From pen and paper to computer editing and electronic meetings, the release of manuals has dramatically sped up, Wieder said.
With these changes, IFSTAⓇ continues to stay up to date on the materials put together and keeps fire service members around the world engaged, Cameli said.
“The process is bar none and ensures the right and timely material is produced,” said said Josh Stefancic, IFSTAⓇ Executive Board vice chair and Safety Harbor Fire Department fire chief.
“I believe in the mission and process and wanted the opportunity to stand guard over the process as well as represent the membership in making decisions that would improve the association and process based on what is best for the fire service,” Stefancic said.
Cameli said she had been in the fire service for 39 years, and has been reading IFSTAⓇ manuals since the first day of work.
“I wanted to be a part of a group that absolutely makes a difference,” Cameli said. “IFSTAⓇ is that group that makes a tremendous difference to those who work in this profession.”
IFSTAⓇ’s greatest accomplishment is the outreach across the United States and other countries on their quality material, Cameli said. These materials and what can be learned from them have truly saved firefighters lives, she said.
“What makes IFSTAⓇ what it is, is its character,” Stefancic said. “IFSTAⓇ has always stayed focused on being an association focused on the transfer of essential knowledge for the fire service.”
IFSTAⓇ is the group who is counted on to make things happen, Stefancic said. IFSTAⓇ’s character keeps it from competing with anyone, and it stays focused on its true north, Stefancic said.
Looking forward, IFSTAⓇ will try and expand attendance for the International Fire Service Journal of Leadership and Management Research Symposium that takes place in conjunction with the IFSTAⓇ Validation Conference so others take advantage of the expert-presented information, Cameli said, and will continue to develop new products essential to the fire service.
No other fire service publisher training manuals go to the extent of diversifying the demographic validation than IFSTAⓇ does, Wieder said. The committees are balanced to prevent our material from favoring any aspect of the fire service including type, size, or location, he said.
At its core, IFSTAⓇ’s greatest asset – the people – will continue to meet at the table to create fire service materials that will protect lives and ensure a brighter future, Stefancic said. After 90 years of validating products, IFSTAⓇ is just getting started, Stefancic said.
WRITTEN BY: Sarah Palmer | FPP Marketing Specialist
The International Fire Service Training Association is an organization of fire service personnel who are dedicated to upgrading firefighting techniques and safety through training. Since 1934, IFSTA has been the worldwide leader of the fire service in developing fire and emergency responder training materials. IFSTA produces training manuals, eBooks, curriculum, test prep, workbooks, skill sheets, interactive courses, instructor resources and more. For IFSTA-FPP media inquiries, contact Marketing Specialist Sarah Palmer at marketing@ifsta.org or call 800-654-4055.