Structural Fire Fighting: Truck Company Skills and Tactics, 2nd Edition

Structural Fire Fighting: Truck Company Skills and Tactics, 2nd Edition

IFSTA Item #: 
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Structural Fire Fighting: Truck Company Skills and Tactics (2nd Edition) is designed to be a resource for those who engage in “truck work” on the fireground. Building on concepts introduced in Essentials of Fire Fighting, this manual provides more detailed information on such topics as forcible entry, fireground search and rescue, horizontal and vertical ventilation, rapid intervention, loss control, and many other responsibilities traditionally assigned to truck companies.

This manual builds on the information contained in Fireground Support Operations (1st Edition) and has a special focus on safe fireground operations. Each chapter begins with Safety Points that highlight specific safety reminders for tasks addressed in the chapter. In addition, a scenario at the end of each chapter encourages the reader to apply concepts that have been learned.

  • Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
  • ISBN: 978-0-87939-387-8
  • Edition: 2nd Edition
  • Year: 2010
  • Pages: 484
  • IFSTA Item Number: 36542

Chapter List

1. Introduction to Truck Company Operations
2. Enhanced Fire Behavior
3. Firefighter Safety and Survival
4. Loss Control
5. Ground Ladders
6. Size-Up for Truck Company Operations
7. Controlling Utilities and Building Systems
8. Access to Structures
9. Access Into Structures
10. Fireground Search and Rescue
11. Ventilation Size-Up
12. Horizontal Ventilation
13. Vertical Ventilation
14. Special Ventilation Operations

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