Essentials of Fire Fighting, 7th Edition

Essentials of Fire Fighting, 7th Edition

IFSTA Item #: 
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This ALL NEW edition meets ALL of the NFPA 1001, 2019 JPRs. Essentials 7 is the complete source for firefighter recruit and refresher training.

Key features:
  • Organized to meet the needs of students and instructors:
    • Chapters 1-15 Fire Fighter I
    • Chapters 16-22 Fire Fighter II
    • Chapter 23 Emergency First Aid (FFI JPRs)
    • Chapters 24-26 Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations (FFI JPRs)
    • Chapter 27 NIMS-ICS (FF I, FF II, and Hazmat JPRs)

  • IFSTA worked with the UL Firefighter Safety Research Institute (UL-FSRI) to incorporate the latest research on fire behavior and fire attack. This research is throughout the text. Essentials 7uses text, photos, illustrations, key terms and plain language for greater comprehension of this new content.

  • Hazardous Materials content is enhanced and meets Awareness and Operations of NFPA 1072, 2017 JPRs.

  • The NEW IFSTA ONE COLUMN format means more photos, more illustrations, and more tables. More visuals enhance the student learning experience.

  • The Essentials 7th Edition App – a student companion app is FREE to download. Stream all 173 skills videos FREE. Practice tool identification FREE. Sample the Essentials 7 Interactive Course and Exam Prep.

  • A complete line of support products for students and instructors include the Curriculum, Workbook, Exam Prep, Interactive Course, Skills Videos, and eBook.

The new Fire Dynamics research from UL-FSRI is the basis for extensive changes in the Fire Dynamics and Ventilation chapters. These chapters tackle the complexities of fire behavior that new knowledge provides. The information is applied to structure fires and to the effects of fire on buildings. Applying this new science to fire attack means understanding fuel, the stages of fire, the critical need to control the sources of oxygen, and the value of cooling a fire before making entry into a structure.

  • Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
  • ISBN: 978-0-87939-657-2
  • Edition: Seventh
  • Year: 2018
  • Pages: 1486
  • IFSTA Item Number: 36777

Chapter List

1. Introduction to the Fire Service and Firefighter Safety
2. Communications
3. Building Construction
4. Fire Dynamics
5. Firefighter Personal Protective Equipment
6. Portable Fire Extinguishers
7. Ropes and Knots
8. Ground Ladders
9. Forcible Entry
10. Structural Search and Rescue
11. Tactical Ventilation
12. Fire Hose
13. Hose Operations and Hose Streams
14. Fire Suppression
15. Overhaul, Property Conservation, and Scene Preservation
16. Building Materials, Structural Collapse, and Effects of Fire Suppression
17. Technical Rescue Support and Vehicle Extrication Operations
18. Foam Fire Fighting, Liquid Fires, and Gas Fires
19. Incident Scene Operations
20. Fire Origin and Cause Determination
21. Maintenance and Testing Responsibilities
22. Community Risk Reduction
23. First Aid Provider
24. Analyzing the Incident
25. Action Options and Response Objectives
26. Personal Protective Equipment, Product Control, and Decontamination
27. National Incident Management System – Incident Command Structure

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