eBook Principles of Heavy Vehicle Extrication 1st Edition
IFSTAⓇ’s Principles of Heavy Vehicle Extrication, 1st Edition , provides rescue personnel with an understanding of the current challenges, techniques, skills and equipment available for the safe and effective extrication of victims trapped in heavy vehicles and in passenger vehicles involved in heavy vehicle incidents.
This manual teaches heavy vehicle extrication in three levels of capability – Awareness Level, Operations Level, and Technician Level. Foundational material is presented before moving on to more complex concepts and follows the same linear sequence a rescuer will encounter at a heavy vehicle extrication incident.
This textbook is appropriate for firefighters, law enforcement personnel, Emergency Medical Services personnel, industrial and transportation emergency response members, public works and utility employees, military responders, and rescue personnel.
The scope of this manual includes job performance requirements (JPRs) from Chapter 9, Heavy Vehicle Rescue of NFPA 1006, Standard for Technical Rescue Personnel Professional Qualifications, 2021 Edition. Where appropriate, the manual references relevant sections of NFPA 1670, Standard on Operations and Training for Technical Search and Rescue Incidents.
Key features of this manual:
- Chapter References
- Key Term Definitions
- Review Questions
- Discussion Questions
- 25 Skill Sheets
Important Differences from Previous Editions:
Because NFPA 1006, Standard for Technical Rescue Personnel Professional Qualifications, 2021 Edition, divides heavy and passenger vehicle extrication disciplines into two separate chapters, IFSTAⓇ has also addressed these topics in two manuals. This manual provides information on heavy vehicle extrication only. However, some of the topics in this manual are also included in IFSTAⓇ’s Principles of Passenger Vehicle Extrication, 5th Edition, when necessary to repeat requisite knowledge.
New Features in this edition:
This edition has a new structurem teaching heavy vehicle extrication using the "Five Steps" model, which is:
- Step 1: Identify Vehicle and Cargo Weight Hazards (Identify the Load)
- Step 2: Stop the Crush
- Step 3: Lower the Smaller Vehicle
- Step 4: Lift the Load
- Step 5: Separate and Extricate
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Conducting Scene Size-Up and Establishing Scene Safety Zones
Chapter 2: Establishing Fire Protection and Mitigating Hazards
Chapter 3: Responding to Vehicle Extrication Incidents
Chapter 4: Preventing Further Victim Injury
Chapter 5: Tools and Equipment
Chapter 6: Heavy Vehicle Anatomy and Hazards
Chapter 7: The Five Steps of Heavy Vehicle Extrication
Chapter 8: Heavy Vehicle Stabilization
Chapter 9: Lifting and Moving Heavy Vehicles
Chapter 10: Extrication and Disentagnlement
Appendix A: Chapter and Page Correlation to NFPA 1006, 2021 Edition, Chapter 9 Requirements
Appendix B: Resources for Restoring Rescuer Readiness
Appendix C: Common Heavy Vehicle Extrication Tools and Equipment
Appendix D: Chains in the Resuce World
IFSTAⓇ’s full featured eBooks meet the needs of the fire and emergency responder who use digital materials to communicate, socialize and learn.
IFSTAⓇ eBooks include features to enhance learning:
- Downloadable for use while offline.
- Fully searchable text.
- Accessible from up to 2 computers and 2 mobile devices.
- Bookmarked Tabel of Contents allows quick access to the content.
- Print-fidelity endures compatiblity witht the print version, and student support products.
- Notes, highlights and bookmarks are stored in the cloud for access on multiple devices.
- Print two pages at a time for up to 20% of an IFSTAⓇ eBook.
Sample eBook: Use our free IFSTAⓇ Catalog (link for web, https://www.ifsta.org/shop/product-catalog to test the features and compatibility of our eBooks with your device. NOTE: You will need to sign in with a VitalSource account. If you are new to VitalSource, please create an account.
Refund Policy: Upon purchase you will receive an activation code. Once your activation code has been redeemed the eBook cannot be returned for a refund.
eBook Activation and Access: To redeem your activation code and access your eBook, please visit https://my.ifsta.org/
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- Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
- ISBN: 9780879397449
- Edition: 1st
- Year: 2023
- Pages: 0
- IFSTA Item Number: 76034
IFSTAⓇ’s Principles of Heavy Vehicle Extrication, 1st Edition , provides rescue personnel with an understanding of the current challenges, techniques, skills and equipment available for the safe and effective extrication of victims trapped in heavy vehicles and in passenger vehicles involved in heavy vehicle incidents.
This manual teaches heavy vehicle extrication in three levels of capability – Awareness Level, Operations Level, and Technician Level. Foundational material is presented before moving on to more complex concepts and follows the same linear sequence a rescuer will encounter at a heavy vehicle extrication incident.
This textbook is appropriate for firefighters, law enforcement personnel, Emergency Medical Services personnel, industrial and transportation emergency response members, public works and utility employees, military responders, and rescue personnel.
The scope of this manual includes job performance requirements (JPRs) from Chapter 9, Heavy Vehicle Rescue of NFPA 1006, Standard for Technical Rescue Personnel Professional Qualifications, 2021 Edition. Where appropriate, the manual references relevant sections of NFPA 1670, Standard on Operations and Training for Technical Search and Rescue Incidents.
Key features of this manual:
- Chapter References
- Key Term Definitions
- Review Questions
- Discussion Questions
- 25 Skill Sheets
Important Differences from Previous Editions:
Because NFPA 1006, Standard for Technical Rescue Personnel Professional Qualifications, 2021 Edition, divides heavy and passenger vehicle extrication disciplines into two separate chapters, IFSTAⓇ has also addressed these topics in two manuals. This manual provides information on heavy vehicle extrication only. However, some of the topics in this manual are also included in IFSTAⓇ’s Principles of Passenger Vehicle Extrication, 5th Edition, when necessary to repeat requisite knowledge.
New Features in this edition:
This edition has a new structurem teaching heavy vehicle extrication using the "Five Steps" model, which is:
- Step 1: Identify Vehicle and Cargo Weight Hazards (Identify the Load)
- Step 2: Stop the Crush
- Step 3: Lower the Smaller Vehicle
- Step 4: Lift the Load
- Step 5: Separate and Extricate
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Conducting Scene Size-Up and Establishing Scene Safety Zones
Chapter 2: Establishing Fire Protection and Mitigating Hazards
Chapter 3: Responding to Vehicle Extrication Incidents
Chapter 4: Preventing Further Victim Injury
Chapter 5: Tools and Equipment
Chapter 6: Heavy Vehicle Anatomy and Hazards
Chapter 7: The Five Steps of Heavy Vehicle Extrication
Chapter 8: Heavy Vehicle Stabilization
Chapter 9: Lifting and Moving Heavy Vehicles
Chapter 10: Extrication and Disentagnlement
Appendix A: Chapter and Page Correlation to NFPA 1006, 2021 Edition, Chapter 9 Requirements
Appendix B: Resources for Restoring Rescuer Readiness
Appendix C: Common Heavy Vehicle Extrication Tools and Equipment
Appendix D: Chains in the Resuce World
IFSTAⓇ’s full featured eBooks meet the needs of the fire and emergency responder who use digital materials to communicate, socialize and learn.
IFSTAⓇ eBooks include features to enhance learning:
- Downloadable for use while offline.
- Fully searchable text.
- Accessible from up to 2 computers and 2 mobile devices.
- Bookmarked Tabel of Contents allows quick access to the content.
- Print-fidelity endures compatiblity witht the print version, and student support products.
- Notes, highlights and bookmarks are stored in the cloud for access on multiple devices.
- Print two pages at a time for up to 20% of an IFSTAⓇ eBook.
Sample eBook: Use our free IFSTAⓇ Catalog (link for web, https://www.ifsta.org/shop/product-catalog to test the features and compatibility of our eBooks with your device. NOTE: You will need to sign in with a VitalSource account. If you are new to VitalSource, please create an account.
Refund Policy: Upon purchase you will receive an activation code. Once your activation code has been redeemed the eBook cannot be returned for a refund.
eBook Activation and Access: To redeem your activation code and access your eBook, please visit https://my.ifsta.org/
NOTE: IFSTA/FPP eBooks are hosted by VitalSource. Upon purchase, you will only be able to access your eBook online for a duration of five years. After this, you will lose access unless you have downloaded your eBook to VitalSource's Bookshelf Application. For best results, download your eBook upon purchase and use the Bookshelf Application. This allows you to install the eBook on up to two computers and two mobile devices at one time for offline access. Your notes and highlights will sync across all your registered devices within your account and eBooks.
- Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
- ISBN: 9780879397449
- Edition: 1st
- Year: 2023
- Pages: 0
- IFSTA Item Number: 76034