Fire Service Organization
Dr. Daniel Madrzykowski is the Senior Director of Research for the Fire Safety Research Institute, part of UL Research Institutes. He has more than 35 years of experience working to improve fire safety by conducting research and development in areas of: fire dynamics, fire test methods, fire control, and fire investigation. He has a PhD in fire engineering from the University of Canterbury, a MS in fire protection engineering and a BS in mechanical engineering from the University of Maryland.
Going beyond the limits of the laboratory, Dan has been engaged with fire service organizations to share and teach the results of fire research in a way that can be understood and implemented by fire departments in their training. He has served on International Fire Service Training Association validation committees for multiple editions of Essentials of Fire Fighting and the 3rd edition of Fire Investigator. He is a member of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and serves on the committees for Fire Service Training, Structural Fire Fighting, and Fire Investigation. He is a member of the International Society of Fire Service Instructors (ISFSI) and was a developer of the Understanding and Fighting Basement Fires course. Dan has collaborated with the National Fire Academy, International Association of Arson Investigators, and International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) in the development of several on-line training programs.
Dan is a Fellow with the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE). As a result of his research to increase the effectiveness and safety of firefighters, Dan has been honored with many awards including: the IFSTA Everett E. Hudiburg and Granito Awards, the rank of Honorary Battalion Chief with the FDNY, the IAFC President’s Award, the ISFSI Instructor of the Year, the Citizen Services Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medal, and the Mason Lankford Fire Service Leadership Award.
Dan has served on the IFSTA Executive Board since 2021.