Mary Cameli began her career as a firefighter in 1983 with the Mesa Fire and Medical Department and was one of the first females hired by the organization. She held each rank in the organization including 11 years as Assistant Chief, prior to being selected as Fire Chief in November 2016. Mary received Bachelor of Arts Degrees in Elementary and Physical Education and holds a Master’s Degree in Organizational Management. She has been actively involved in the community for many years. Mary is a Past President of the Arizona Fire Chiefs Association (AFCA) and is currently the Metro Section representative for the Board. She is Past Chair of the Child Crisis Arizona Board and has served the past sixteen years with Mesa Sunrise Rotary holding the position of president in 2012. She is Past President of the Community Bridges Board, Chair of the International Fire Service Training Association (IFSTA) Board and serves as President on the International CPSE (Center for Public Safety Excellence) Board. She continues to stay very active in the community and volunteers her time to help and be involved within the community.
Mary has served on the IFSTA Executive Board since 2009.