Fire Service Affiliate (appointed)
Dr. Larry Collins retired as Associate Dean of the School of Safety, Security & Emergency Management at Eastern Kentucky University. This is one of the nation’s premier fire and safety higher education institutions. Much of its development occurred as a result of Larry’s leadership. Larry was also an instrumental figure in the development and growth of the USFA’s Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE) program. This program was successful in developing model curriculums for fire protection and safety degrees at various academic levels. These curriculums also provide the framework for IFSTA/FPP to target the development of supporting textbooks and curriculum materials for these classes. He is a respected educator and researcher and has always appreciated the IFSTA validation process and believes it yields a superior product. Larry was first appointed to the IFSTA Executive Board in 2014 and served on the recently validated Strategy and Tactics, 3rd edition committee.
Larry has earned an A.S. in Fire Science Technology, B.A. in Industrial Arts/Technology Education, M.Ed. in Technology Education, and a D.Ed. in Technology Education.